WebGLRenderingContext: enable() method

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The WebGLRenderingContext.enable() method of the WebGL API enables specific WebGL capabilities for this context.





A GLenum specifying which WebGL capability to enable. Possible values:

Constant Description
gl.BLEND Activates blending of the computed fragment color values. See WebGLRenderingContext.blendFunc().
gl.CULL_FACE Activates culling of polygons. See WebGLRenderingContext.cullFace().
gl.DEPTH_TEST Activates depth comparisons and updates to the depth buffer. See WebGLRenderingContext.depthFunc().
gl.DITHER Activates dithering of color components before they get written to the color buffer.
gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL Activates adding an offset to depth values of polygon's fragments. See WebGLRenderingContext.polygonOffset().
gl.SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE Activates the computation of a temporary coverage value determined by the alpha value.
gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE Activates ANDing the fragment's coverage with the temporary coverage value. See WebGLRenderingContext.sampleCoverage().
gl.SCISSOR_TEST Activates the scissor test that discards fragments that are outside of the scissor rectangle. See WebGLRenderingContext.scissor().
gl.STENCIL_TEST Activates stencil testing and updates to the stencil buffer. See WebGLRenderingContext.stencilFunc().

When using a WebGL 2 context, the following values are available additionally:

Constant Description
gl.RASTERIZER_DISCARD Primitives are discarded immediately before the rasterization stage, but after the optional transform feedback stage. gl.clear() commands are ignored.

Return value

None (undefined).



To check if a capability is enabled, use the WebGLRenderingContext.isEnabled() method:

// true


WebGL Specification
# 5.14.3

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also